Omega Body Therapy,
"Accelerated Healing", Massage Therapy & Event Massage
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Omega Body Therapy,
"Accelerated Healing", Massage Therapy & Event Massage
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The Ultimate Transformation
3 Month Coaching and Accountabilty Program
We are not giving you a one-time fix here.
We are taking you through a journey of transformation to a more confident you, for LIFE.
More confident about life, more confident about yourself, and the more confident about the world!
This is an ALL-INCLUSIVE program. You pay once and everything else is taken care off. It's like a planned catered self-improvement vacation retreat.
PERMANENT BENEFITS from this Program:
- Dramatic Improvements on your Physical Health
- Explore your Spiritual Role and Contribution to the Community
- Feel More Optimistic about the World
- Learn about Yourself in a Deeper Level - No more BS.
- Improve your Approach to Relationships and Social Dynamics.
-- From Dissatisfaction and Depletion,
to Expanded Liberation of your Tantric Self. --
All Inclusive 90-Day Energetic Shift is $5555 (can be paid in monthly installments).
Heal your body and balance your energetic body
We will take a look at your SACRED VESSEL, the vehicle for your soul, your body.
Do you experience physical or emotional pain? Are you going through a medical situation, and feeling uncertain?
From head to toe, checking all corners looking at your body, mind, and spirit HOLISTICALLY, we'll create a plan, and heal away!
This will include: World Class Massages and bodywork, Indigenous Medicine Journeys, Unique Immersive Activities.
Explore a healing modality to share with others
Being able to help people HEAL is what gave me purpose in this world.
In this section, we are going to explore the network of healer's paths and find one that you resonate with.
I have a belief. Just as the plants serve as food to all living beings, we humans too have a purpose in this natural world.
Could it be to heal minds, bodies, or the planet? We are going to dig deep, and you will leave with your OWN way to heal the world.
Change perspectives from matrix to paradise
You are not alone!
The world is in a turbulent state right now (maybe it's always been), but now it's undeniable that the paths are diverging.
We either will have an oppressive future, slaves to our greeds and fears, OR we will RISE above all and create a future that we are proud of.
This battle is being fought VIA SPIRIT. The WILL of the People will ALWAYS TRIUMPH over the decadencies of the world.
We need you to choose a side, will you create Heaven on Earth with us?
We will explore the many DELIGHTFUL experiences this world as to offer. And finally see what has been there all along; a JOYFUL LIFE.
Understand your psychology and shadows
Much of what we experience is based on how we think.
But why do we think the way we do. Who's talking to us when we listen to our thoughts.
We must realize which patterns are holding us back, and what are our triggers.
Using contemporary and ancient wisdom, as well as curated SELF-DEVELOPMENT tools, we are going to explore our minds. Deconstructing psychology, philosophy, and science we will determine just what is going on with YOU.
After all, the best way to achieve anything, is to know thyself.
Master your communication and relationships
Why can't we all just get along?
I was perplexed by this question for years. Aren't we the same as other people? We all have mothers and fathers, a nation, a group of people we interact with. Yet, we still manage to hurt each other, we find ways to think ourselves different.
What if I told you, the answer that came to me was, "COMMUNICATION". As the word suggests, "communion" is the act of intimately bringing together.
Consider this, could your relationships improve if everyone was clear about the reality that is being shared? Could BRAVERY, FLEXIBILITY, and LOVE, join our minds and hearts?
Through Coaching Calls, we will be taking a deep look at the forms of communicating we are using and how it's affecting our relationships with our families and loved ones, with no judgement.
In this all-inclusive guided transformation journey all is covered with your investment:
Guided Activities/Services included are:
- Customized Expert Massage Therapy + Spiritual Healing
- Goal setting and Manifestation
- Festival Entry
- Breathwork Retreat / Training
- Indigenous Medicine Journey
- Guided Body Cleanse
- Relationship Coaching
- Deep Human Design Reading
- Nature Immersion
- Hero Dosage Plant Medicine Immersion
- Bufo Immersion
- Tantric Massage Lesson/Experience
- Exploration of Healing Modalities
- 5 Psychological Deep Dives.
- Skill Share - Fire Spinning, Rock Climbing, Coconut Cutting
- Introduction to Sovereignty + Trust Law.
- Introduction to AI tools.
This is a personal journey of Inner healing, Creativity and Wisdom.
What is your Tantric Self?
The Path of Self-Love, Your LOVING SELF.
Have you ever wondered, what your full potential is? What you were born into this world to do, and how your life would be if you changed from this Matrix experience to a Sensual Being Making Love to LIFE?
It's time to wake up, NEO.
Energetically, I will be offering your SOUL the following tools for 3 months. Your soul will use this energy to DRIVE YOU to your intentional goal, and life you want to live. This transformation is yours!
We all have special gifts unique to us, using a sophisticated energy chart, I am able to confidently offer these energetic gifts by just offering my frequency to you. These are my gifts to you: Creating new things, Creating Closeness with Others, Natural Integrity, Focus and Precision, A Love of Life, Listening and Collecting Stories, Expanding the Good in Others' Lives, A Natural Instinct for How to Control Resources, Tailoring Your Message, Love of Getting Involved with Others, The Desire to Feel Deeply, A Warrior of the Light, Provoking With Consciousness, Seeing All the Future Outcomes, Natural Purity, Strength in Stillness, The Drive to Provide for Yourself, Self-Created Joy, Inner Knowing.
As we become aligned as a team you too will be have access to these gifts.
Of course, you also have your own gifts and your own chart, and as you enter the program, we will go over them and attune you to realizing them.
What is at STAKE?
Are you willing to trust yourself? To give yourself time?
We are here on this Earth for a reason.
Is it to pay bills and die?
Or does our soul have a plan for us?
If so, could it be that the way we are living is just a distraction?
And there is actually a powerful way to experience this life fully, satisfied and exploring love?
- Book a call now to start your biggest change yet!
This is the first step, 3 months to change your life
Who is Omega Riko?
Omega means the end or last, or as I like to put it, ULTIMATE.
For years, I've been helping people heal their bodies and their minds.
However, I was approached and was asked where I felt unsatisfied in what I offered.
My answer was that my clients took on too little of the transformation and were satisfied.
This was the wrong perspective.
In reality, I was offering my clients TOO LITTLE. I was not offering them the COMPLETE PACKAGE, just a taste, just a tease.
Following the steps of my life/business coach, Dasha Love, I recognized that I needed to use my energetic gifts and share them fully.
I'm not longer holding back, I will give you my all.
This one is for you, my clients.
- Omega
Money-Back Guarantee
If you don't achieve a significant positive change in your life after the program ends, you can request for your money back, and I will not hold it against you. I want everyone to be happy with their investment.
*The program is an all inclusive program. Meaning, there will be expenses that will be third-party that I'll be using your investment to cover, such as retreats, medicines, therapies, props, classes, consultations with others, tickets for events, etc. These will have to be discounted if that have already been paid.
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